What is E. P. T. Pregnancy Test and How to check Results?

What is actually E. P. T. Pregnancy Test?

E. P. T. Pregnancy Test is early home Pregnancy test kit. Now it is available in two version of the urine test, with Round window and digital screen. It believes this test is 99% Accurate at detecting the pregnancy.  Though, some pregnant ladies might not have detectable amounts of hormone of pregnancy because their urine may have miscalculated the first day of their period.

How can I use e. v. t. to Pregnancy Test?

  • Remove foil packet right before use of e. v. t. Pregnancy test;
  • For expose the absorbent tip, first remove the purple cap;
  • Hold this test stick by thumb’s grip. And Point the absorbent tip down;
  • Put this tip in urine flow for 5 to 10 seconds, or you can drop the absorbent tip in a clean pot of urine for 15 to 20 seconds. Keep absorbent tip down.
  • Now put this test stick on a flat surface using windows facing up for few minutes (generally for 2 minutes). Here, you might notice that light blue color moving over the window.
  • Or you can take reference from instruction paper available.

How to get results of an Early Pregnancy Test:

Wait only two minutes to observe the outcome. A line will appear in its window as a control to indicate that you have done this correctly. Be confident to read the outcome prior to 10 minutes passed. Here are three possible results:     
E. P. T. Pregnancy Test not pregnant
digital E. P. T. Pregnancy Test positive
Digital E. P. T. Tester 


In digital screen display the word pregnant it simply means that you are pregnant. Or in non digital tester (+) symbol in the round window shows you are pregnant. It does not matter how faint and dark the lines. Please contact to your doctor and take the instruction about your pregnancy and the next actions. Early prenatal care is significant to ensure the health of your baby.
E. P. T. Pregnancy Test

Not Pregnant

In digital screen display the word not pregnant it simply means that you are pregnant. A (-) symbol in the round window shows you are not pregnant. If still your period doesn’t begin within a week, do the test again. If you still get the same horizontal line and your period has not started contact to your doctor.
E. P. T. Pregnancy Test negative
Not Pregnant

Test has not worked:

If not any line appears inside square windowpane, the test out result is actually invalid. Don't read the results.